Voting is Still on for the People’s Choice Award - Encourage Your Followers


The nominations have been made and the finalists for almost all of the Plutus Awards categories have been announced. But we’re not done yet. The People’s Choice Award, sponsored by AccountLancer, is yet to be decided. Unlike the other categories, which are determined by a Blogger Panel after nominations have been submitted by bloggers and the […]

Congratulations to the Plutus Awards Finalists!

After a month-long entry, nomination, and discussion process, we are now ready to introduce the Finalists for the Sixth Annual Plutus Awards. The public process began on August 1, when financial bloggers and other media professionals were invited to submit their projects for consideration. We also began accepting proposals for new categories, several of which […]

5 Things Bloggers MUST Know Before Pledging to the Plutus Foundation

Join our charitable mission.

Don’t pledge or donate money to the Plutus Foundation before reading this. The mission of the Plutus Foundation is to provide opportunities for the financial media community to support programs that enhance the financial capability and well-being of citizens of the world. This is our statement of purpose for the foundation, and guides our every […]