Every year, a panel of Plutus Awards peers reviews the nominations and selects the finalists. This Blogger Panel is essential in the success of the Plutus Awards every year. We can now introduce this year’s Blogger Panel, but applications are still open.
Serving on the Plutus Awards Blogger Panel is a great way to connect with others in personal finance media, and to offer your two cents and participate in celebrating the best in personal finance.
You can still apply for the Sixth Annual Plutus Awards Blogger Panel. The application form is below the list of this year’s confirmed panelists.
The Sixth Annual Plutus Awards Blogger Panel.
Thank you to everyone who is volunteering to serve on this year’s Plutus Awards Blogger Panel.
Apply for the 6th Annual Plutus Awards Blogger Panel.
It’s not too late!
Valerie Rind says
I was a member of the panel for FinCon14 - it’s a great way to read blogs that you might not otherwise be familiar with. There’s a lot of great talent out there!